Jesus - As a Child

If He could do it, so can we!

Through all the mercies and grace and power of God's might, we are expected to follow the example of Jesus as a child.

That's a super high calling. 

But according to the Desire of Ages quote attached to this message, it's not impossible. In fact, it's very possible. 

Not much is elaborated on the young life of Christ in Scripture, but from the little information we do get, we understand that Jesus lived a perfect life as a child. 


Yes, Perfect. 

Perfect in the sense of moral perfection. He had the child-like tendencies all children have, but from a babe, He was nurtured in the admonition of the Lord. This means that Jesus was taught at a young age that there is a God Who requires complete obedience - perfect obedience. 

How did He learn this? 

He was taught by His earthly parents to respect God as the Parent of parents. That if He obeyed God, He could be the happiest child alive. That if He obeyed God, He could fulfill the purpose for His life. That if He obeyed God, He would know how best to love those He was called to serve. And that if He obeyed God now, He would be eternally rewarded. 

Challenge: Teach children to obey God rather than man. Teach children that God requires holiness. Teach children that they will be happy if they follow Jesus' example. Teach children that God loves them and He wants them in heaven with Him. 

If Jesus could do live a life of holiness, by God's grace, as a child, then who are we, as adults, to complain??? 

Our Heavenly Father has provided everything His children need to shine bright in this dark world. 

Shine bright for the Father! 

"Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out."
(1 Corinthians 10:13 GNT)

"You must be perfect—just as your Father in heaven is perfect." 
(Matthew 5:48 GNT) 

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