3 Simple, Underrated Ways to Evangelize

1. "God still loves you"
- This statement may seem cliche, but we all need to be reminded of this every now and then.

  • You could text this statement to someone, or
  • You could write it on a piece of paper and stick it on your car door window, or
  • Leaving sticky notes on someone's desk or on their coffee mug is also a winner.

- This statement could also be replaced with an encouraging Bible verse. You take your pick.

2. "May I pray with you?"
- It's one thing to pray for someone, but it's so much more of a refreshing experience to pray with someone.

  • It could be a friend who relates their personal struggles to you. 
  • If they talk to you via text message, ask them if you could give them a quick call,  at which time you pray for them, or
  • If you feel a call is too personal/space-invading (introverts ;) then type out your prayer and send it to them. 

This is a good way to prove to them that you really do care and that you really are praying for/with them.

3. "May I help you?"
- Some people don't like it when you ask them this question. However, some do. You could make someone's day, put a smile on their face, and possibly help them with a heavy task they need to complete.

  • Offering your help to an older lady ("with her heavy groceries") would probably seem taboo to do these days. Do it anyway. With a smile on your face and God's love in your heart, let her know that you are only there to help - no strings attached.
  • Or, instead of going to the grocery store to look for an old lady, ask your mom or dad, your brother,  sister or friend. Remember that they're also souls that need to be won for the kingdom.

Difficult? No way!

You don't have to be a qualified theologian to share a Bible verse, pray with someone, or go out of your way to help another. You may even take my simple three suggestions and create something even more beautiful and spectacular!

Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God - and not for your own selfish ambition. 

Christ came all the way from heaven to accomplish one goal:
"for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." Luke 19:10
He accomplished this goal through simple methods (e.g. healing Peter's mother-in-law of a small fever) and through extraordinary methods (e.g. walking on water). Either way, Christ reached out to people's needs first. He befriended them and won their trust with kind deeds. Then only did He bid them, "Follow Me." Christ will not ask us to do to something that He hasn't already done Himself.

Your small, simple, seemingly insignificant methods, may just be the stepping stone that brings someone closer to Christ. So don't stop evangelizing! 

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