A Beautiful Invite

"If we would be saved at last, we must learn the lesson of penitence and humiliation at the foot of the cross."

Penitence: (derived from the Latin word poenitentia - poeniteo - poena - pain, punishment). Repentance; pain; sorrow or grief of heart for sins or offenses; contrition. Real penitence springs from a conviction of guilt and ingratitude to God, and is followed by amendment of life

Humiliation: The act of humbling; the state of being humbled. The act of abasing pride; or the state of being reduced to lowliness of mind, meekness, penitence and submission.  

According to the latter part of the picture quote, if we want to inherit the awesomeness of heaven, if we want to spend eternity with Jesus in heaven, if we want to be saved from sin and condemnation - learn to be penitent and humble at the foot of the cross. 

What does that look like?

If penitence is sorrow or grief of heart for sins or offenses, then we need to ask ourselves, "Do I feel sad when I commit a sin? Do I feel grief in my heart when I offend Christ? Does my sin strike any note of pain in me?" 

If the answer is no, then we have a problem. 

When we look at the cross, we will most definitely feel that sorrow for sin. How can we look upon Him hanging naked and bruised and battered upon a tree and not have our hearts touched? How could we say no to this Man? 

But if we are not feeling any pain, then it goes to imply that we do not spend enough time pondering on Christ's great sacrifice for us. Christ's sacrifice is the center of Christianity. Our focus should be on Him at all times. 

What else are we looking to then? What is distracting us from learning penitence and humiliation so that we may be saved? 

Challenge: Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face. And the things of this earthly (pride, sin, selfishness) will go strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace. 

God invites us to look to the cross and live. 

If you do not know how to be penitent and humble, go to the cross. Jesus will work in you to will and to do according His good pleasure and you shall be saved. But be ready to learn hard lessons that go against our very sinful nature. It will be a struggle to let go of sin and pride, but Jesus is more than capable to help us overcome. 

Ponder upon the any one or all of the biblical accounts that share the graphic details of Christ's sacrifice: Matthew 26 & 27 or Mark 14 & 15 or Luke 22 & 23 or John 18 & 19.

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