Cold Showers

   Winter, where I live, is defined as cold and dry. Everything frosts early hours of the morning. The grass frosts, the cars frost, the water pipes frost!

   One morning, when I happily went for a shower, I was confronted with a very stubborn hot water tap. The knob would not turn as easily anymore, the water would not come gushing out as per usual! But can you guess which tap was working; this tap is ALWAYS working - the cold tap.

   I figured that I needed to wait. Wait, and leave the tap turned on. I've done this before and usually after two or three minutes we're good to go. But five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes passed - no water! Normally when this happens during winter it is an indication that the pipes may just be frozen for a little while. Or at least that's what I was told.

   I was crunched for time but because it's cold I decided that I would wait a little longer for that warm water that I wanted so badly. I started getting a bit impatient and considered taking a cold shower. However, if that cold pipe wanted to play Mr Stubborn, I was going to play Ms Stubborn. And so I crossed my arms as I waited another few minutes for that hot water.

It then dawned on me...
   This pipe, a nonliving object, with no intellect, was not fulfilling it's intended purpose. In fact, it was doing the very opposite; all because of the cold surrounding it.

   Human beings are sometimes hard and harsh to fellow humans. They have negative attitudes and influence others to have the same. Negative attitudes never made anyone happy. Negative attitudes don't help you fulfil your God-given purpose.

   We often judge these "horrible" humans. We don't take into account that maybe, just maybe, they're cold because of their circumstances, their surroundings, and their upbringing's. This is no excuse for their behaviour, but it is a contributing factor to be considered before you make a conclusion about someone. Negative attitudes stem from all the bad in this world. If all was good, there would be no need for negativity.

   Before sin, God said "It was very good" He spoke of His creation. Yet, even in this "very good" state, Lucifer started indulging negative thoughts, which led to negative feelings and negative actions. So even in a perfect world, the temptation to think negatively was there. But how do we go about overcoming our "coldness."

   We are told in Scripture that we ought not to be conformed to this world - to it's thinking, ideologies and theories. But we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom. 12:2). A renewed mind is brought about by accepting the Holy Spirit into our lives. He gives us new tastes, desires, thoughts and feelings. Positive acts, positive attitudes then follow. (Read Jn 3:1-6) (Jn 4:13-14) (Rom. 8:1) (1Cor 6 (Phil. 4:8)

   After waiting for another five more minutes for that hot water, I decided that I would take that cold shower. That pipe couldn't change unless it's environment changed.

But I could.

   I could use my God-given ability of intellect and change my thought process. Those cold waters could be showering down on my parade, I was determined that it would not deter me from my goal to shower.

You can have this mindset too!
   When life throws you with cold showers all you have to do is allow the Spirit to warm you up. That cold shower actually ended up rejuvenating me. I never felt so alive! When people give you "cold showers, " take it. Use that negative energy to drive you towards your goals. Be determined to stay focused and not discouraged. Because you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you! (Phil. 4:13)

   One of my favourite verses advises: "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger." (Prov. 15:1)
If both you and your opponent is going to be cold and stubborn, that will not help anyone. In fact, coldness and stubbornness will only hurt and hurt divides.

   Next time life throws you cold showers, what will you do?

   You can choose not to remain cold and stubborn, despite your circumstances and upbringing. And God has promised to help you.

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