Why Am I Still A Christian?

  Have you ever asked yourself that question? Why am I still a Christian? Why am I still walking down this narrow road? Why am I choosing a life of self-denial, when I am free to choose a life of self-indulgence and self-gratification?

  As mentioned in a previous post, Christianity is not for cowards, Christianity is not for lazy people who are unwilling to deny themselves. Jesus said that if you cannot deny yourself then you cannot be His disciple. This statement is a hard saying. Because who on earth wants to deny themselves? For what reason? There must be a very good reason why someone would want to choose vegetables over meat! Why would anyone want to choose the good over the bad???


   Now I remember why I am still a Christian! I daily choose to walk the path of self-denial because it’s all for my well-being. The life God calls me to live is all for my benefit and the benefit of those around me. It is not a boring life God calls me to. And for those Christians who make Christianity look rather boring and dull, let’s lighten up and spread the love of God as we should :))

   God would not ask us to give up something that is for our best interest. When He commands that we deny ourselves it is for our own good. When He commands that we eat more healthily, can we question that He is only asking us to do that so that HE can feel good? No! It’s all for our well-being, protection and health that He commands such a lifestyle.

   Remember! Sin comes only to steal, kill and destroy our joy. Jesus came to give you life and to give us life more abundantly! 

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