God, the Great Physician, has also given us rules – laws, in fact. Yet, sometimes we fail to obey these with such commitment and effort that we would the government’s laws. Aren’t we exhorted in Matthew 10:28 to “rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body…”? Nonetheless, God is gracious to those who turn to Him when illness or fear comes over them.
Here are four Bible promises from God to heal us and conditions
for us to follow:
1. OBEY (Exodus 15:26 ~ Proverbs 3:7-8)
“Christ had been the guide and teacher of
ancient Israel, and He taught them that health is the reward of obedience to
the laws of God. The Great Physician who healed the sick in Palestine had spoken
to His people from the pillar of cloud, telling them what they must do, and
what God would do for them… When they fulfilled the conditions, the promise was
verified to them.” (Desire of Ages p.824)
The instruction and exhortation is plain
and simple, right? Follow God’s health laws. We’ll be doing ourselves a favour and everyone else if we are healthy.
2. PRAISE (Jeremiah 17:14 ~ Psalm 77:10-14 ~ Psalm 146:2)
Believe that God is able to heal and then,
praise Him for it. This is an act of faith. And whenever Jesus healed in the
Bible, it was always because someone had faith that He could. Despite how hopeless
they felt, they had faith in His divine power and they praised Him.
3. TRUST (Isaiah 40:31 ~ Psalm 103:2-5)
Wait on the Lord. God’s timing is perfect.
Countless past ages have proven this fact. Ask Abraham, Noah, the disciples
and all other followers of Christ who have gone before us. Choosing to focus on
times before when God has come through for others will help us to choose to
rely on the promise that He is able to heal us too.
4. PRAY (James 5:14-15 ~ Jeremiah 29:11-13)
Call out to God. Ask others to pray with
you and for you. It really is true – much prayer beckons God to pour down much
power. And when praying, believe that He is able to heal you and that His will
for your life is the one that is best for you.
Covid-19 makes everyone sick. Whether you’re physically ill or mentally exhausted, everyone is sick of Covid-19. But Christians believe in the Great Physician – the God of the Bible. We believe that God heals. But what happens if He doesn’t heal? Can He still be called the Great Physician? The Bible says God does not lie – He always keeps His promises. Then, there must be an alternative explanation to God’s choice not to heal, right?
To be continued…
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